What is the function of a brand?
For many people, there’s still a lot of smoke and mirrors around what brand is and what it should do for your business. You’ve heard me say it before, your brand isn’t a logo and a nice font.
But what is the actual function of a brand? And how can you apply that function to your business?
Before we get stuck into the nitty gritty, let’s remember one of the most important things when it comes to any brand work you do in your business.
It has to mean something.
If it doesn’t stand for something, it’s not going to speak to people. And if it doesn’t speak to people, how are you going to attract customers that are on the same page as you?
“A brand is not what you say it is - it’s what they say it is.”
We all have our own subjective responses, so how do we as a business control that? Through our brand.
Impact what people think of your business.
Your brand is the tool that enables you to impact how others view your business. You can’t force feelings and opinions on people but you can influence how they view you. A strong brand is one where many people have the same gut feeling about your business.
It exists to communicate your message to your customers; whether that’s through your visual assets, your content or your products and services. If it doesn’t build connections with your customers and drive business forward, your brand isn’t fulfilling its function.
Bringing something different to the table.
The human brain filters out a large proportion of irrelevant information every day. It’s hard-wired to notice what’s different. If every business in an industry is saying the same thing, how can the audience tell the difference between them?
Your brand sets you apart from your competitors. It enables people to identify you and to identify with you. You don’t want to vere off so much in the other direction that you put off your target customers, so doing your research is key. I always say that your brand is the sweet spot where your business purpose and strategy meets your customers’ wants, needs and values.
That’s where working with a brand specialist can really add value. They’ll look closely at what others in your market are doing and help you identify what your sweet spot is.
A promise.
A brand is a promise of consistency to your audience. It builds a relationship based on trust, and we all know how important trust is in business.
Companies that focus purely on product will be forever competing on price alone. Having a brand allows your audience to base their buying decision on values, beliefs and an expectation of the service they’re going to receive (which must be backed up). It also allows you to charge a higher price because your audience is receiving more than just a product or service.
An internal tool.
A lot of people forget that as well as how you communicate to your customers, your brand also supports how you communicate internally too. A strong employer brand will help you to attract the right talent that’s both a good professional and cultural match for your team.
You want your brand to demonstrate your values, your beliefs and how you do things on a day to day basis. You don’t always have to scream it from the rooftops through written content. If you’ve nailed your brand, those things will speak for themselves.
Help you grow.
If you put graft into your brand early on, it should be able to grow and evolve as you do.
Look at any globally successful brands. Nike is usually a great example. Over the years, when you see the famous Nike swoosh, you know exactly what kind of experience, service and product you’re going to get.
Nailing that brand and those expectations early on has left loyal customers eagerly waiting to see what they do next and has earnt them enormous commercial success.
If you can create a similar excitement and brand loyalty, you’ll have endless opportunities for growth.
Attracting the right people to you.
When you clarify your messaging and personality as well as your mission, vision and values, you’ll start to notice that you start attracting the people you want to your business. And I mean both customers and potential employees.
Your brand is the thing that tells your customers what you’re all about and why you do what you do. And if you need a helping hand doing your thing, I want to help.