How your brand can bring clarity to your services

There comes a time in every business where you need to relook at your services. Maybe you’re not reaching the clients you really want to be working with, or your business has evolved but your services haven’t evolved with it? Or perhaps you’ve had a great idea for a new service but don’t know if it’s going to work?

Your brand can help you to get clarity around your services and gives you the framework to develop new ones. Let’s take a look how.

Your brand should sit in the sweet spot where your business and your audience meet.

With this in mind, you want to make sure that what you do is not only what you love doing, but you’re targeting the right people with the right services. After you’ve reviewed your business strategy, there’s two key areas to get to grips with that’ll help you to create services that your ideal client really wants and needs.

Understand your ideal customer’s problems

Without your customers your business doesn’t exist, so you want to work with great ones who make you love what you do. If you’re finding you’re not attracting the clients you really want to be working with, perhaps your services aren’t clear or aren’t quite right for them.

This is where asking your favourite clients questions can help you. You want to learn all about the problems they had before they started working with you, what they saw their challenges as (as it’s often different to what you see them as) and the value you’ve brought them.

Another good tip is to note down what potential customers are saying when you’re first talking to them. If you really know your audience’s problems inside out, you’ll be able to check them off when you have that first introductory call, helping you to narrow down which services to sell them at this point.

Getting to know your customers inside out is crucial for your brand, because you can target your messaging to them and be a lot more specific. This makes your marketing a lot easier in the long run.

Know what you exist to do

It seems pretty obvious doesn’t it, but if you’ve never actually outlined exactly what your business aims to do for your ideal customer, you’re in danger of getting overexcited about all the possibilities of what you could do rather than focusing on what you’re really good at and how you can help. This is where your vision and mission come into play.

Your vision is the long term impact you’re going to have - what you’re going to accomplish for your audience. 

Your mission is how you’re going to achieve that vision through your goals, objectives and approach. 

Together, the two act like your north star and are there to keep you focused with any new decisions you’re making. You should always be sense checking any new ideas / new services against them. 

When looking at any new service ideas, ask yourself…

  • Is there a gap in my offerings that my customers need?

  • Is this service going to move me one step closer to achieving my vision? (if not, should you be offering it?)

  • Is this service answering my clients problems or a specific problem

  • Does it make sense to my customers based on what they’re looking for?

  • Is there an option for them to purchase another service after this one/ continue working with me?

Giving any new offerings you’re developing a bit of strategic thought can go a long way towards their success. When you’re developing them based on a need and can articulate the outcome your service delivers, it’s usually pretty difficult to say no to. It’s also a sure-fire way to stop people making their decision to buy based on price.

If you’re struggling to see your services clearly and want to get clarity, we can get together for a 1 hour Spotlight Session to nail it in just an hour for you.


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