Jo Major: Diversity in Recruitment

Beginning with confidence: a blueprint for a new business created to lead change


This is Jo. With years of specialist knowledge in her sector, she’d seen the issues that recruitment businesses have in accessing and implementing training around diversity and inclusion. Jo has a huge drive to get diversity and inclusion on the agenda of recruitment businesses of all sizes. Believing that the industry has a huge opportunity to influence and lead real change, she set up Diversity in Recruitment with an aim to bring this change about.

Being so close to her business, Jo couldn’t work out how to articulate who she was or what she stood for. She needed to communicate with others in a way that made sense and was authentic to her. Her business idea was stuck in her head, and when she felt like she was going round in circles she knew she needed help to make sense of it and put her personality into her new business.

“Before launching Diversity in Recruitment, I really needed to figure out who I was and what I stood for - I had a decent idea, I just wasn’t sure how to articulate it. I couldn't risk crappy comms or mixed messages, I needed to get this right from the get-go.”

With a goal to launch her business with a strong, well-evolved proposition from the start, Jo knew she needed to outline what Diversity in Recruitment stood for, who her audience was and how she does business.

Beginning with purpose

“From my very first conversation with Fliss, it was clear she could help me to elevate my business. Her work goes way beyond branding, it helps you figure out your identity and what you are there to achieve.”

I could clearly see the passion Jo had for her business, she just needed help in untangling all the stuff that was in her head so it made sense to her and her audience. She knew exactly what she did and what she stood for. 

From our very first session together Jo‘s head was a lot clearer. She knew her business inside out but needed to stop agonising over it and start looking at it objectively instead. Our two-hour discovery session helped her to do just that, and after working through what Diversity in Recruitment exists to do and how she delivers that vision, she confidently pitched her business to a potential client and came out of that meeting with a potential client because she knew exactly what to say in a way that made sense to everybody.

Plotting out the content of Jo’s website in our session


Launching with confidence

Jo’s goal was to have her positioning defined by the end of our sessions. This was so she could create the content for her website and the team she’d lined up to work on it could complete it in time for her business launching. After we’d nailed her values and messaging we sat down together to plot out the framework of her website with subject headings so she could go away and write the copy with a structured approach. Doing it this way gave her somebody to bounce her content ideas off and meant the Diversity in Recuitment site really spoke to her audience and answered their questions and needs from the get-go.

“My business is everything and more – a huge result of the work that Fliss and I did together. To say she changed everything would be an understatement. My work with her gave me a blueprint for how I would talk about - and run - my business, and our work together continues to underpin everything I do. It's translated across my website, in my client communications and of course my content. The values we developed together hold me accountable for every decision that I make for my business. 
I know I wouldn’t be where I am now without Fliss, she pushed and encouraged me to put in the work and I credit her with a lot of the success I have achieved so far.”

Jo chose to do 1:1 brand coaching with me. Want to know more about it?


How to use your brand to grow and stand out in times of uncertainty


How I use my brand to plan my year: a yearly Brand Plan